I skipped today module like 4 times already!!..die liao la..gonna have lousy GPA soon..slack at home den went to school early for UT later at 2 plus in case i late again..
UT sucks!
after UT slack in school with roy..and talk about something which i have done..
ok is actually i change 安静 lyrics upon roy request..ok let me share with you guys..enjoyed!
安静的承诺 The slience promise
美好快乐过去 想起那些回亿
你那美丽的脸 不知我这么了
我想这是爱情 但我不相信
说好是好朋友 不触动感情
但是心里感情 还是胜过友情
我心里面的感情 我决定要告诉你
在每个春夏秋冬 我就会在你身旁
无论是天涯海角 永远都会陪着你
我希望你能明白 我不会让你离开
我不能给你所有 但为你给你一切
听我说最后一句 是因为我太爱你(简单一句我爱你)
...tomorrow last UT for this week..greattttttttttttt!!!!!!!!
Its about something deep inside
稻香 (fragrant rice)
为什么人要这么的脆弱 堕落
我们是不是该知足 珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好
就像我说的 追不到的梦想
换个梦不就得了 为自己的人生鲜艳上色
笑一个吧 功成名就不是目的
童年的纸飞机 现在终于飞回我手里
我靠着 稻草人 吹着风 唱着歌 睡着了
哦 哦 午后吉它在虫鸣中更清脆
哦 哦 阳光洒在路上就不怕心碎
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好

Listen closely to my thoughts
Thursday, November 27, 2008
november 27
Done by
11/27/2008 07:21:00 AM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
november 26
no la..don't worry...my blog is still alive..but will update when i receive photos fromroy and yonghui birthday..
till now..nothing to update also...
by the way..before that check out this website
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11/26/2008 06:21:00 AM
Thursday, November 13, 2008
november 13
And i wasted my grades by not going to school today..damn wasted..cause yesterday night my laptop dunno why cant on it..den planning to sort of skip school today to go repair my laptop cause go school also no use..laptop cant be use in school also..SO...i skipped school planning to go acer service centre..but before i go i just want to check if my laptop is still 'dead'..so i try on it and
it can be on!!!
..really like sh*t(kana sai)..skipped school, grade wasted, laptop okay, sh*t man!!
but gald that laptop is fine already den no need waste my money to repair it..in the end stay at home rotting whole day..
and next week i gonna be busy again..of cause is busy going out man..=)
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11/13/2008 05:06:00 AM
Monday, November 10, 2008
november 10
Back to school day..and is monday =.=
wake up already then go back sleep..super lazy..and decide to go school during second break...prepared everything already and who knows(maybe god knows) it rain..and it started raining from cats, to dogs and then CATS AND DOGS..!!stupid sia rain damn heavy..but lucky didn kena drenched much..
reach school den change new faci..heard tomorrow also change a new one also..and like more worst den the previous faci..die already i think..sob sob..
but lucky there is a good news for me..I PASSED MY PP MAN!!oh yeah!!..
finally after alot of sweat(not really) and discussions(bad-mouthing my advisor)..finally i passed..phew..now left the major one which is final year project..more tough...die..
nothing much already except when back to gym today with roy after school..didn train much..wasted =.=..
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11/10/2008 06:21:00 AM
Friday, November 7, 2008
november 6
On this day i am 'half blind'...cause my left eye contact len drop out..zzz..lucky i manage to find it if not i waste my money buying..zzz..
so i cant see very clearly and somemore i got UT later also..great..i cant see and i cant do!!..UT was hard by the way...=.=
..after school went to woodland interchange solo and take 178 to jurong east meet weiquan..reach there already den he said he is still waiting for bus..oh great..
sit and rot at jurong east interchange for 30mins den finally he reach already..
went to imm spaghetti too to eat dinner..den sit there eat and chat for more than 1hour..quite long time never see and there is alot of things to chat about..den walk around and i finally know where is imm open garden..nice place..went home after that about 10 plus..
and there few days alot of my favourite singers release their new album..let see
there is JJ lin jun jie, Jay chou, S.H.E, Mayday and rainie yang...all songs from them are nice..must listen!!..and finally my class maybe will have a class chalet the on the next holidays..great man..LOVE CHALET!!..
Done by
11/07/2008 10:05:00 AM
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
november 5
Today i break an amazing new record...i actually take 13 buses today!..previous record is 12..well how i did it let me share with you all,
first of all:
*(To get my hardisk repair and to school for pp presntation)
Take bus 197 from AYE expressway to lavander
Take bus 961 from lavander to woodlands
Take bus 169 from woodlands to RP
*(Back to home)
Take bus 911 from outside RP to woodlands
Take bus 963 from woodlands to bukit panjang
Take bus 176 from bukit panjang to west coast
*(To work)
Take bus 285 from west coast to clementi
Take bus 185 from clementi to holland village
Take bus 105 from holland village to lido
Take bus 111 from lido to lucky plaza
*(Go back home from work)
Take bus 111 from orchard to holland village
Take bus 106 from holland village to clementi
Take bus 285 from clementi to west coast
Well all 13 trips i made today.(i am crazy)..wake up early and go to lavander to get my portable hardisk get repaired..must get it done today cause i been delaying it till now..i sucks!..while on the way there in bus 197..kena minor accident outside queensway shopping center..a lorry bang the bus then both drivers conflicts at the road..and thanks to them i had been delayed by them...wasted about 25mins sia!!..
finally reached lavander and go to kitchener complex to find the company..the company got no signboard what so ever and the place is ulu ulu one..the person help me repaired and is about 10 minutes only..fast!!..den went take 961 to woodlands and to rp cause i am presenting my PP today..reach school already damn nervous and stress..scare i say stupid things or wrong things later..somemore my 'nice' advisor will be there also..12pm already den go to my booth to present..i first one there and paste my posters and start presenting..lucky i present finish somehow successfully..few questions were being asked..lucky again..present about 20 mins den go off already..back to home..
go home rest awhile den after that need to go work at night..prepare le and went to work at paragon..not very busy actually..den got corny can nonsense with me if not i will die from boredom..oh ya saw aslam passed by outside spageddies also...after work went home and is freaking tired lah..
die i this whole week will not get enough sleep and play..sian diao..
oh ya let me end my post with some pics..tanglin birthday and cass belated birthday celebrations photos..
and lastly...TADA new blog song..DAO XIANG(Fragrant Rice) by jay..love it man!!enjoyed!
Done by
11/05/2008 08:47:00 AM
- mommy boy
- at kindergarten
- at qifa primary school
- at tanglin secondary school
- at republic poly - W26q, W25p, E46F
wanted list
- get into a relationship(when??)
- earn more $(when will it happen?)
- new shoes(got it)
- new image
- go clubbing
- contact lenses (got it)
- have more nice shirt(alot of fresh imp shirts)
- make more friends (hmmm...)
- get rid of my emo-ness in morning
- graduate from rp
- enough sleep everyday (can nv seems to have it =p)
- tanglin mall-spageddies
- paragon-spageddies
- blast their mp3 speaker very loud [stupid and irritating]
- lizard
- loneliness (very!!)
- lousy dinner
- no common sense people
- no life people
- not enough sleep
- people who anyhow make assumptions
- people who follow blindly
- people who talk loudy (very!!)
- people who vent their anger on me
- stay at home on weekend (very!!)
- tanjong pajah (very!!)
what i am good at
- - doing stupid things
- - downloading songs
- - imagine nonsense things
- - influence by others easily
- - knowing all buses in singapore
- - make people laugh
- - play kof
- - remebering chinese songs lyrics
- - remembering things except studying
- - singing
- - slacking
- - sleeping
- - stoning
prefered music
- from david tao(very much..!!)
- from wang lee hom
- from jay chou
- from S.H.E