I am really very disappointed with you..
Its hurts alot when your close ones don't trust you..
Its hurts more when your close ones compare you to a mentally disabled person..
Its hurts when your close one look down on you..
Its hurts when your close one think that she is always right and did not put herself in your shoes
..and its just hurts alot alot alot..
..and i got nothing else more to say..i really do not want to see you..get lost
Its about something deep inside
稻香 (fragrant rice)
为什么人要这么的脆弱 堕落
我们是不是该知足 珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好
就像我说的 追不到的梦想
换个梦不就得了 为自己的人生鲜艳上色
笑一个吧 功成名就不是目的
童年的纸飞机 现在终于飞回我手里
我靠着 稻草人 吹着风 唱着歌 睡着了
哦 哦 午后吉它在虫鸣中更清脆
哦 哦 阳光洒在路上就不怕心碎
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好

Listen closely to my thoughts
Sunday, May 3, 2009
May 3
Done by
5/03/2009 08:53:00 AM
Monday, March 30, 2009
March 30
Hi there..my blog is still not dead yet..just lazy to update =x
anyway last week is my birthday celebration week and it is a 1 whole week celebration
which mean 7 different days i got celebration... O.o
went out with pasta family plus corny for the first day of the celebration..went to fishermen wharfs which is opposite central mall to try it out..well food was average i think and the place had a fishy smell..ooo..
of course there is a photo taking sessions with they all..and thanks for their surprises for me..a very nice home made brownie cake and a jigsaw puzzle present from them..
of course we wont take just 1 picture only..the rest shall be upload when i got all the pictures..
well it is my actual birthday on this day..suppose to have celebration but..haiz nevermind its ok..it seems like during my birthday something unpleasant will happen..like last year is my handphone lost..=(
lucky corny ask me to follow him go interview..phew lucky got go out on my birthday..
after he finished interview went back to his house for awhile..den went to sembawang shopping centre to have dinner..saw josephine and lionel..haha they didn saw me
after dinner went to causeway swensen cause corny say i can get free ice-cream..ooo..i dont know about it until now..lol..here is the free birthday ice-cream..forgot the name already..
..well at least i am with my friend on my birthday..
suppose wednesday i do not have any plan but have the sudden craving for singing..haha..so ask my singing khakis the very last minute..lucky they can make it to go sing..den went to a cheap karaoke..there is not bad..the songs are pretty updated and free flow of certain drinks ..drinks are alright la but is only $10 for everything, what else can we ask for..haha..it was also very nice of them to buy me a small cake..
..after sing went to have dinner nearby and after that play some arcade at bugis for while before went back home..
and..she is angry with me..dunno what to do..
and my hands are tired already..type soooo much..lol..
went to gym with corny in the morning..and when we were gyming we saw a very familiar yet unfamiliar person..we saw spageddies big boss Mr Kwok..lol..fancy seeing him there..so unlucky/lucky...dunno which one to describe..
went back home change den went for piano lesson in the evening..after lesson when to meet spageddies tanglin mall peeps at chinatown..managed to call cassandra weiquan serene sarah corny and fredric..was quite few people only but nevermind..still enjoy my evening with them..went to aglio olio for dinner..and the pizza is disappointing..anyway here is one pictures taken on that day..the rest shall upload soon =)
..serene cassandra and weiquan went back together first..so the rest of us went to walk around at clarke quay..went starbucks after that..and they bought me a small piece of chessecake as my birthday cake..
..ooo even though dont have a proper cake..its ok with me and i enjoyed my celebration with them =)
friday celebration was with RP w25p gang..sleep until noon time and went to meet them in the evening..went to kiat house for steamboat..too bad huiyan didn come..went buy food together at supermarket den...cook and eat!!..too bad no pictures taken..cant upload..but it feels good to meetup with them since after sometimes..and dunno why after steamboat i still feel hungry so went to opposite kiat house for prata before going home..nice gathering with them =D
last 2 day of celebration is with tanglin secondary buddies..meetup with danads larry and johan at city hall..too bad the rest cant make it..nevermind..went eat at marina square and movie after dinner..edward den join us for movie and we watched mall cop and it was very funny..worth watching!!..
after movie was quite early so edward johan and me went walk around clarke quay area till 2am..walk from clark quay to robinson quay..sweat alot..haha...and i finally know where is dbl O club already..walk anyhow still managed to find..
went slack at mac after that..saw some 'outstanding' people walking around outside mac..after slack went home with edward..walk home, tired, sleep..zzz
btw no pictures is taken also..=(
lastly..my celebration was mahjong session..asked alan corny and yilong to come play..played till 1am plus..oo late..and i set a record..i did not eat from 2pm to
1am..impressive..haha..and i forgot did i win any money anot..hmm nevermind doesnt matter..
Overall, i had a wonderful celebration for my birthday week..from monday to sunday..well now is already planning for next year..omg fast!!
finally thanks to all for the presents, surprises and cakes!!..i enjoyed all the outing and celebration with all friends..hope next year will be more fun..
MAY ALL MY WISH CAN COME TRUE!!..please please please please....
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3/30/2009 09:10:00 AM
Saturday, March 7, 2009
March 8
Is march already..and my birthday is like few weeks away..of course there will be big plans for my birthday but i have not plan it yet..but hope i can celebrate my birthday with most of my friends..hope that this year my birthday will be a memorable one!..
and i had done this personality test about myself..quite true actually:
Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.
The seriousness of your love:
You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.
Your views on education
Education is less important than the real world out there, away from the classroom. Deep inside you want to start working, earning money and living on your own.
The right job for you:
You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.
What are you most afraid of:
You are concerned about your image and the way others see you. This means that you try very hard to be accepted by other people. It's time for you to believe in who you are, not what you wear.
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.
Quite true i think..except for the job part..too bad i not those who like to work 9 to 5 everyday..i like to work in a challenging environment..other than that i quite surprise the rest is the same as my thinking..haha..
anyway here is the link:
Done by
3/07/2009 09:33:00 AM
Sunday, February 22, 2009
February 21
First of all, i would like to tell this particular someone one thing:
..GET IT!?!..if you get it..get lost fucker..had enough of you..
Since you so unwilling to do it, den don't help me then.and i really think that you are a bitch fucker..FUCK YOU!!..SERIOUSLY..
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2/22/2009 06:40:00 AM
Monday, February 16, 2009
I definitely need to change my bad habit of not blogging regularly..interesting things had happened during these few days and i forget to blog it down..wasted!!..
ok let me recap abit of what happened last few days,
My valentine day supposely to be spent alone..but in the end i managed to ask a friend out..lucky..if not i don't know what to do at home..but in the noon alan and his friends came to my house play mahjong..in the end win abit of money..lady's luck is on my side i think..happy seh =) anyway sort of didnt waste this year valentine..at least i got a date..haha
Before valentine had went to tanglin mall spageddies for our last dinner over there..is very sad that they closing down there..had alot of memories when working at tanglin mall..i will miss tanglin mall =(
..but nevertheless meet up with serveral ex tanglin mall staffs..had alot of fun and doing alot of catching up with them..and not forgetting taking pictures as well..
..of cause there is still more..waiting for the rest to send me..
and last week i does not get to sleep as long as i like...why??..is because i am working like from morning till night like most of the day and even if not working..i am still waking early for gyming session at jurong west..its tiring but i think i am not wasting my time by not doing anything..hehe..and some upcoming events like class chalet and my birthday is going to make me busy again..tiring but is OK!!..haha
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2/16/2009 08:14:00 AM
Friday, February 6, 2009
February 06
Hi there..was missing in action for like a few days..chinese new year visiting of relative and gathering with pasta family and others friends..so ya one word
..since last monday i had been waking up early..damn tired la..and today is still the same..why, it is because went to meet waikiat for gym session at jurong west there..in the end gym session cancelled cause waikiat need to go off early..but still went to his house play ps2 for awhile to kill time..after that he went to meet his friend while i head to toa payoh there..
meet roy and jiawei and martin to buy some mandrian oranges to go kiat house bai nian later..meet kiat at shaw plaza den went to buy some food for steamboat at his house later..went to his house and prepare all the food and stuffs..play with his 2 senior citizen pet dogs..they look restless but they still are cute man..too bad didn take any photos with kiat dogs..steamboat was nice and alot of fun as well..and once again no photos is taken..booo..but there is still some pictures taken after the meal..shall upload once gotten them
slack around weekiat house and his house area after eating..huiyan go off first while we buy some drinks and went kiat house downstair to slack till we go home..
..tomorrow wake up early..go play mahjong..i am a gamble-holic
but hope will win some $$$$ tomorrow..hehehe..
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2/06/2009 09:37:00 AM
Friday, January 23, 2009
January 24
..for some reason..
It still hurt me still..why??i really dunno..i already decided time to give up but why it is still coming back..i will not cry or do something foolish..but the pain, the sadness will always be there to stay inside..it hurts
Maybe really i cant ever forget you..but don't worry..i will know what to do..
Well..all i got to say is
...wish you happiness..
Forever will be your friend still...
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1/23/2009 09:39:00 AM
Monday, January 19, 2009
January 19
I am now blogging inside the library..cause i am waiting for him to go gym later..finished sending email and RJ and nothing to do so i...BLOG!..
Today is the last week of school before our semester end. Times really fly too fast for this semester. I can still recall my first day when i enter E44H..but too bad the bonding in the class started late so we had missed out alot of fun with them...but i shall treasure these last 3 days with them before we split class again..well STUPID RP who like to break people up!!zzz...
Today lesson is hard..don't understand why..last week of school wants us to get headache..booo la...but didn do much work today but play viwawa mahjong and big2.5..can see last i am damn bored till i got nothing to do but play games..
Nothing else much happened today..except later go gym with roy till don't know what time..Nothing much to blog also except that wanted to say THANK YOU to edward for pangseh-ing me on last saturday..make me stayed at home do NOTHING!!..thanks buddy =)
Will be quite packed for this week..let see:
MONDAY - school and gyming after that
TUESDAY - school and work after that
WEDNESDAY - accompany johan make spectacles and shop for more cny clothes
THURSDAY - school and gyming after that
SATURDAY - CLUBBING..hope edward don't pangseh me again..and going for haircut also
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1/19/2009 01:33:00 AM
Saturday, January 17, 2009
January 17
Its saturday!!..and i am staying at home the whole freaking day..because of edward pangseh me and can't go clubbing with me today..zzz..so i got no other plans also and unwillingly stay at home..haiz life is sad!!
anyway..its seems like spageddies like to screw things up..why?? It is because my salary had been screw up by them..like not once but many times..this time not only me but most of the part time staffs as well..shit...and now we have to wait end of this month to get our pay..which mean some of the staffs do not have enough money for this coming chinese new year..i am screwed!!..
second, is concerning about my working shoes..because it is my second time my shoes had been throw away to somewhere by some chef management..first time throw my shoe bag below the ice machines..second time is inside dustbin..and i dunno why also..
these 2 things is enough for me to be pissed off..spageddies getting worst and worst..and for that i decided next week i shall work 1 day only..and that will be one weekday ONLY!..if they weekend not enough staffs I DONT GIVE A DAMN!..since they can dont give a damn to us too, what for i care..
and also alot of people is quitting already as well..i think it is really time for me to go too..well not to go die but thinking of quitting already..shall see and decide..for the time being, heck care spag..
finally, the list of things which spag had screw me up with;
1) screw up my pay
2) screw up my shoes
3) screw up my working hours
4) screw up our staff meal
5) screw up our PH pay rate
6) screw up our staff privilages
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1/17/2009 12:20:00 AM
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
January 14
YO..first post in year 2009!!..ya and is like after 14 days then update..booo
..anyway my celebration for both eve and new year day were great..eve go esplanade count down and new year day..stayed at home sleep..i also forgot what i had done already..nevermind ~~
So as for today..was a FEEL LIKE GOING TO DIE day..tooo tiredddd...
went to school today..cause today is special need to go back school see the dumb FYP exhibition..meet zack waikiat and patrick with his 2 friends to eat at causeway there before going to school..and quite regretted going back cause i spent like 5 mins?? at there..which i just like walking around without looking at the stuffs there..WASTE TIME!!..
after finish 'touring' around went to orchard with zack waikiat and patrick..zack and waikiat went to look for jobs from borders, isetan, one of the building beside lido mac, and to takashimaya tower A and to takashimaya tower B..touring around orchard today...after that ziqi meet us and waikiat and zack they 3 continue go look for jobs..then accompany patrick go paragon buy his friend present..and after that i go work..sian still need to go work dinner..lucky lucky lucky today not so busy..slacking day..end of the day still got pizza..not bad not bad..
went back home and feel like dying already..hope i can still go schol tomorrow..AND I STILL NEED TO GO WORK AFTER SCHOOL T_T
Done by
1/14/2009 08:47:00 AM
- mommy boy
- at kindergarten
- at qifa primary school
- at tanglin secondary school
- at republic poly - W26q, W25p, E46F
wanted list
- get into a relationship(when??)
- earn more $(when will it happen?)
- new shoes(got it)
- new image
- go clubbing
- contact lenses (got it)
- have more nice shirt(alot of fresh imp shirts)
- make more friends (hmmm...)
- get rid of my emo-ness in morning
- graduate from rp
- enough sleep everyday (can nv seems to have it =p)
- tanglin mall-spageddies
- paragon-spageddies
- blast their mp3 speaker very loud [stupid and irritating]
- lizard
- loneliness (very!!)
- lousy dinner
- no common sense people
- no life people
- not enough sleep
- people who anyhow make assumptions
- people who follow blindly
- people who talk loudy (very!!)
- people who vent their anger on me
- stay at home on weekend (very!!)
- tanjong pajah (very!!)
what i am good at
- - doing stupid things
- - downloading songs
- - imagine nonsense things
- - influence by others easily
- - knowing all buses in singapore
- - make people laugh
- - play kof
- - remebering chinese songs lyrics
- - remembering things except studying
- - singing
- - slacking
- - sleeping
- - stoning
prefered music
- from david tao(very much..!!)
- from wang lee hom
- from jay chou
- from S.H.E