Its about something deep inside

稻香 (fragrant rice)

为什么人要这么的脆弱 堕落
我们是不是该知足 珍惜一切 就算没有拥有

微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好

就像我说的 追不到的梦想
换个梦不就得了 为自己的人生鲜艳上色
笑一个吧 功成名就不是目的
童年的纸飞机 现在终于飞回我手里

我靠着 稻草人 吹着风 唱着歌 睡着了
哦 哦 午后吉它在虫鸣中更清脆
哦 哦 阳光洒在路上就不怕心碎
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有

微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好

微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好

Listen closely to my thoughts

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

october 22

Supposing to wake up early today and wanting to go lavander there to get my portable hardisk fix..but due to sleep until too 'shuang' the end, well overslept and never go!!..booo...
sleep awhile more den wake up cause got to go work lunch later..lucky was on time for work..and one of the cleaner fainted while working..omg..its seems like working at spag will make people stress till faint..
and they also close one station during the to cut cost..zzz..seriously i think is a very stupid idea..i wonder when will spag stop all these cost cutting thing...=.=..haiz..
work until 5pm den went change and prepare cause meeting johan later at hougang..and while on the way to hougang..was damn pissed..

first of all,
its peak hour and there were too many people on the buses, thus, no place to seat...

its peak hour and thus traffic jam and lead to bus drive damn slow

its peak hour and was suppose to be a 1 hour journey but in the end it became a freaking 1 hour and 30minutes long journey!!..

..pissed off..take bus at the wrong time..
after meet johan den went to hougang mall..went to spetacle hut cause johan wants to make a pair of glasses..hmm was also thinking of buying contacts lenses for myself..but now due to lack of funds..den shall buy it next week..dear guys and gals..for your info, i will be changing my looks next week..=)..going for haircut as well as getting contact lens..hope it will look nice..hmmm

and after having dinner..i dunno why but i started to meet a few weirdo people..(caution, it will be very 'unbelieveable')

Weirdo number 1:
is a auntie selling fruits..when i was buying fruits, she was like unwilling and unpolite..zzz..and johan was just looking around and the weird auntie then 'unpolitely(actually was shouting and give the bu shuang face and tone)' ask what johan want..well i think that her business is doing 'overly good' and doesnt want to sell us their fruits..

Weirdo number 2:
after encounter 1, went walking around hougang and went to hougang plaza see see..went to take lift to level 3..while waiting for the lift, there is this old man..when the lift came..johan and the old man went in and before i could went in, the door shut and i was stunned!!..and i was =.=..and ??..and!!!..and after i go up and meet johan, he told me that the old man say i was too slow and walk like a gay..??!!!??..i was just outside the lift and he say i too slow..i think he was too rushing go time and cant wait a 0.01 to 1 seconds..well he is 'too' rushing for time i guess..

(p.s: he must have ran out of hougang chalet and was wondering around..someone please call the police when saw him..wat a stupid pus*y =s..)

Weirdo number 3:
after we went walking around hougang plaza..decide to take bus go home already..on the way decide to withdraw money for tomorrow use..after done with withdrawing money, there is this indian/malay(dunno is which) guy was looking at me and was saying some numbers..which he think he had saw my atm pin number and was telling me that he saw..YES HE IS PEEPING MY PIN NUMBER..!!but too bad..not even 1 is correct..f*ck off la..idiot..

to conclude, first of all i would like to say i am not shooting incredible tales series(cause of meeting weirdos)..but just like to say its weird and the weirdos i had met is either no EQ or IQ, or both, is stupid or is idiot...=.=

sorry for long post and no pics to describe my 'incredible' day..
tomorrow operation planning UT2 and i haven study yet..great..lets fail..=)

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  • mommy boy


  • at kindergarten


  • at qifa primary school


  • at tanglin secondary school


  • at republic poly - W26q, W25p, E46F

wanted list

  • get into a relationship(when??)
  • earn more $(when will it happen?)
  • new shoes(got it)
  • new image
  • go clubbing
  • contact lenses (got it)
  • have more nice shirt(alot of fresh imp shirts)
  • make more friends (hmmm...)
  • get rid of my emo-ness in morning
  • graduate from rp
  • enough sleep everyday (can nv seems to have it =p)


  • tanglin mall-spageddies
  • paragon-spageddies


  • blast their mp3 speaker very loud [stupid and irritating]
  • lizard
  • loneliness (very!!)
  • lousy dinner
  • no common sense people
  • no life people
  • not enough sleep
  • people who anyhow make assumptions
  • people who follow blindly
  • people who talk loudy (very!!)
  • people who vent their anger on me
  • stay at home on weekend (very!!)
  • tanjong pajah (very!!)

what i am good at

  • - doing stupid things
  • - downloading songs
  • - imagine nonsense things
  • - influence by others easily
  • - knowing all buses in singapore
  • - make people laugh
  • - play kof
  • - remebering chinese songs lyrics
  • - remembering things except studying
  • - singing
  • - slacking
  • - sleeping
  • - stoning

prefered music

  • from david tao(very much..!!)
  • from wang lee hom
  • from jay chou
  • from S.H.E