So where was i during the last 2 days..??hmm lets see:
last friday skipped school(someone enlighten me please =x)..then went to huiyan birthday at aranda chalet there..reach there only roy and jiawei there..the rest are huiyan friends..3 of us then barbeque some food to eat cause we are hungry..den after that we went up and see what is going on upstairs..i should say huiyan friends are very her decorate the chalet very nicely done..the balloons, pictures, even desktop(yes DESKTOP!!)and other stuffs..very nice of them..den lance and junlong came after awhile den we were slacking around..and play cards with them and i lost a few rounds..and they want me to do a forfeit..suppose to sort of do something which is simple simple one..but in the end i end up doing a 'sexy chair man dance' to huiyan..end up everyone was looking at me!! bei paiseh you noe!!ahhh wanting to dig a hole a buried my head inside after i dance..wa liew...!! nvm wat over is over already..den at midnight the living room area became a dance floor..everyone was highing and dancing to the music at the center..including me and roy...and of cause we also saw couples 'almost make out' moments..they are too high i guess..den went chatting with huiyan friends and do nothing till morning..packed up our stuffs and ready to go off..
last saturday..after packed our stuffs me and roy went to eat breakfast at food court..junlong is 'sick' =) he went already den i want to go back home and sleep cause am working dinner..but roy doesnt want to go home cause he is having bbq at pasir ris park later..omg he really hardcore..overnight again!!..and his bbq is at 1pm..and after we eat finish is only he dun want to go home den come back again..decide to stay till 1pm..but i really dying soon and need to i no choice but to pangseh him bad =(...feel bad =(...ARGH SO BAD!!=(
den went take bus while i left him alone at there..wa piang eh..feel si bei guilty towards him =(
den reach home 12pm plus and KO..and suppose to wake up at 2pm but alarm clock never do its job and in the end i wake up at 6!!!..shit!!!!!!!..den faster prepare den go work and take cab..and very ex $12 plus..start work at 7pm..wasted..den somemore very short of manpower on that night..hamdan weiliang and yonghui never came..if i never come that will be short of 4..and i confirm will feel very very very very guilty...lucky not so busy on that night..went back with sarah after work..
overall..saturday is a guilty day for me..=(
OFF TODAY!!..went out with alan to downtown east(again!!)..but not go chalet or what but is to go to E-hub at pasir ris..wanting to come here quite sometime ago and finally today i went..not much things to see at there but mostly those places like arcade, pool, cinemas, bowling and iceskating were there..after walk finish went to eat fish and co express..there only sell fried seafood items and burgers..dun have any pastas or what..but overall i think is nice and cheap the food there compared to fish and co restaurant..but quite expensive for a fastfood restaurant i finish went to ang mo kio hub...make my tapz MIP arcade card cause its free for me..walk around amk and play some kof before went home..
Its about something deep inside
稻香 (fragrant rice)
为什么人要这么的脆弱 堕落
我们是不是该知足 珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好
就像我说的 追不到的梦想
换个梦不就得了 为自己的人生鲜艳上色
笑一个吧 功成名就不是目的
童年的纸飞机 现在终于飞回我手里
我靠着 稻草人 吹着风 唱着歌 睡着了
哦 哦 午后吉它在虫鸣中更清脆
哦 哦 阳光洒在路上就不怕心碎
珍惜一切 就算没有拥有
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好
微微笑 小时候的梦我知道
回家吧 回到最初的美好

Listen closely to my thoughts
Sunday, October 26, 2008
october 26
Done by
10/26/2008 09:43:00 AM
Thursday, October 23, 2008
october 23
I AM STRESSED!!..headache about the PP poster thing and my ce points..haven done and haven to force myself to do it and must finish by next week the poster..
i dun need essence of chicken but i need MOTIVATION...!!
-(..where got sell motivtion please tell lame =.=)-
and today was a module which i dun really like..cause faci like to give me a 'C' regardless of what happen..nevermind..i heck also..was quite easy for today problem and as usual i will volunteer to do those theory parts..hehe =x
after lesson there is mention in my yesterday post..I AM READY....READY TO FAIL =)..gone case...
and i suppose to go gyming for today..but cause thanks to some physco-ing from roy..never go in the end...=.=
den mum not cooking dinner tonight, so i ask the following people to accompany me for dinner;
..suppose to meet weiquan for dinner at munchie monkey today..but he is having dinner at home..
den went call edward and try my luck..he is at home then he say he spent all his money den now BROKE!!..ok i can understand..
den lastly go call yilong..he live behind me only..den he is busy with his stuffs and cant make it..
CONCLUSION: i am not very popular i guess..=)
in the end went tabao-ing my dinner at nearby food center then settle everything..
boring seh!!..
and tomorrow last day of school before my 1 week break..happy!!..and still wondering what to wear for yan birthday tomorrow..??..hmmm
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10/23/2008 07:20:00 AM
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
october 22
Supposing to wake up early today and wanting to go lavander there to get my portable hardisk fix..but due to sleep until too 'shuang' the end, well overslept and never go!!..booo...
sleep awhile more den wake up cause got to go work lunch later..lucky was on time for work..and one of the cleaner fainted while working..omg..its seems like working at spag will make people stress till faint..
and they also close one station during the to cut cost..zzz..seriously i think is a very stupid idea..i wonder when will spag stop all these cost cutting thing...=.=..haiz..
work until 5pm den went change and prepare cause meeting johan later at hougang..and while on the way to hougang..was damn pissed..
first of all,
its peak hour and there were too many people on the buses, thus, no place to seat...
its peak hour and thus traffic jam and lead to bus drive damn slow
its peak hour and was suppose to be a 1 hour journey but in the end it became a freaking 1 hour and 30minutes long journey!!..
..pissed off..take bus at the wrong time..
after meet johan den went to hougang mall..went to spetacle hut cause johan wants to make a pair of glasses..hmm was also thinking of buying contacts lenses for myself..but now due to lack of funds..den shall buy it next week..dear guys and gals..for your info, i will be changing my looks next week..=)..going for haircut as well as getting contact lens..hope it will look nice..hmmm
and after having dinner..i dunno why but i started to meet a few weirdo people..(caution, it will be very 'unbelieveable')
Weirdo number 1:
is a auntie selling fruits..when i was buying fruits, she was like unwilling and unpolite..zzz..and johan was just looking around and the weird auntie then 'unpolitely(actually was shouting and give the bu shuang face and tone)' ask what johan want..well i think that her business is doing 'overly good' and doesnt want to sell us their fruits..
Weirdo number 2:
after encounter 1, went walking around hougang and went to hougang plaza see see..went to take lift to level 3..while waiting for the lift, there is this old man..when the lift came..johan and the old man went in and before i could went in, the door shut and i was stunned!!..and i was =.=..and ??..and!!!..and after i go up and meet johan, he told me that the old man say i was too slow and walk like a gay..??!!!??..i was just outside the lift and he say i too slow..i think he was too rushing go time and cant wait a 0.01 to 1 seconds..well he is 'too' rushing for time i guess..
(p.s: he must have ran out of hougang chalet and was wondering around..someone please call the police when saw him..wat a stupid pus*y =s..)
Weirdo number 3:
after we went walking around hougang plaza..decide to take bus go home already..on the way decide to withdraw money for tomorrow use..after done with withdrawing money, there is this indian/malay(dunno is which) guy was looking at me and was saying some numbers..which he think he had saw my atm pin number and was telling me that he saw..YES HE IS PEEPING MY PIN NUMBER..!!but too bad..not even 1 is correct..f*ck off la..idiot..
to conclude, first of all i would like to say i am not shooting incredible tales series(cause of meeting weirdos)..but just like to say its weird and the weirdos i had met is either no EQ or IQ, or both, is stupid or is idiot...=.=
sorry for long post and no pics to describe my 'incredible' day..
tomorrow operation planning UT2 and i haven study yet..great..lets fail..=)
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10/22/2008 09:08:00 AM
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
october 21
Its been like i never update my blog for 1 week and 1 day..=)
..last week big event is celebrating tanglin birthday..well we have planned alot of surprises for her..including me i have give a 'shocking' birthday surprise..hehe..
how surprising i shall not say cause dunno where to start..anyway please direct to tanglin blog for the event happening on that day =)
(please view the post for october 15)
and sorry pictures haven send to me yet so cant upload..
last saturday suppose to work s2 but ying leng they all asked me go sing ktv..i had been tempted cause quite long time never go already so i pang seh work and go join them..opps =x..den went orchard partyworld ktv there meet ying leng alicia and danads..sing from 2pm to 6pm..went to at doubby ghout exchange there eat..forgot what is the name of the restaurant but the price food there is quite reasonable...there got set meal and there set meal include free flow of drinks and ice-cream..!!!..I AM LOVING IT..haha..
after dinner with them went to take 36 to parkway parade meet roy and weekiat....halfway jam at the expressway den i was like them already then kiat drive us to east coast park..cause farizan and miza invited us to there birthday bbq..reach east coast park there then went slacking with roy kiat and kiat friend at the beach there after wish them happy birthday..
after that went walk around at east coast there..and its been like donkey years since i last been there..den went slacking at the hawker center before went home..
nice mr weekiat den send us home about 1 2am..
other days..just went working and schooling..boring and tiring..
and oh ya..bought myself a new 250gb portable hardisk and 2 earpiece which is buy 1 get 1 free..and the hardisk is about $120(plus casing)!! man..
if you guys want to buy now.....
bleh no more.offer ended!!!..too late man..LOL!!..
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10/21/2008 08:27:00 AM
Monday, October 13, 2008
october 13
This is the 6th week with my class already..really very fast..well i am able to get along with them..they are nice and friendly people =)...BUT..
there will sometime be some people who will be anti-ed by the class..i not sure about the rest but for me i don't really like one guy from my class.
I will describe him as mr 'F'...
I find him a very fake person..
first of all, he don't come school very much
second, he does not give a damn during discussions and will went out or sleep and don't do work..
third, will start to act smart when faci is around and this is just another case of empty vessels make the most noise
forth, he cheat people and i think he sucked..
FAKER!! MR F..please go die =x
and i don't know why i had this feeling that some people actually take me as a joke and don't respect me in someway..perherps i am too kind to people and will not be angry to i think that is why some people will naturally think that i am those kind of guy who can be make fun of and does not give a damn of what they will say to me..yes sometime i joke around with people and i do not mind them saying those not nice things to me..i know you guys are joking so i will just forget it..
but please..don't go beyond the line..joke is joke..respect is respect..
don't make jokes out of me and say things to me which had no respect for me AT ALL..
its not that i have no balls to fight back but i feel that getting nasty at people will just worsened the reltionship and i think is not i most of the time will just say nothing..well i am refering to some people around me who thinks that i am a GAY, LOSER, NOOB, SHIT, WHATEVER NASTY TERM THEY CAN USE on me.. matter how a joker i can be, i just want fcuking respect for me..respect me for all the things i have done to you all least...
Being the good guy sometime does not pay off...and wont be appriciate by others..
why bother??
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10/13/2008 12:21:00 AM
Thursday, October 9, 2008
october 9
What a boring day today..manufacturing lesson today and with new team..okok with my new team..anyway was slacking today in class whole day =.=
...after school went meet johan cause dun want to go home so him at choa chu kang lot 1...when during take 925 that time and almost shock me..cause got one time i thought 925 was going loop and back to woodlands but lucky it went towards choa chu kang that direction...and i acutually saw some bus stop with all 3 bus services are all 925..kranji area is indeed weird...
meet johan after that and went eat at pastamania..den walk around choa chu kang and finally one place to slack until 8...den take 975 to panjang den 176 to home..
btw..this is my horoscope for tomorrow friday..wonder is it truth anot:
Good karma is definitely coming your way, today, and you can expect some extremely rewarding gifts to land right in your lap. You've done some wonderful deeds, yourself, in the recent past, and the people you have helped are ready to help you, should you need anything. This is going to be a very educational day that will teach you how to win people over to your cause without sending them on a guilt trip. You are learning more about how to use your charm to get ahead in life.
good things will happen to me tomorrow??..hmm..if is truth then good lo..haha..
-i torture my laptop alot-
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10/09/2008 09:16:00 AM
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
october 8
cause my friday primary school gathering got some last minute cant make it..zzz..really hate things like that you know..haiz..but i will still go ahead with the gathering man..miss that last friday already..feel BAD if cancel!!...
whole day at home for today..nothing to, surf net, exercising and of cause practice my dance =) bored really the whole day...but i managed not to spend any money today...need to save $$..=)
...and oh ya sarah..dun cry and feel sad already man...dun worry we will be here no matter what..WE ARE YOU BEST BUDDIES..=D
...schooling tmr but lucky no ut for this and next week..phew lucky...
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10/08/2008 08:10:00 AM
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
october 7
let me try keep my post short for easy reading..
but first of all..i would like to inform you guys that
--my pp report is FINALLY APPROVED--..even though my advisor approved it but i would still like to say he is an AS*HOLE..just trying to vent my anger...
but another thing is my poster..RP said that i must use paper to print my poster..
WTH..and i think i need to use 8 A3 size paper..2 A1 and one more i forgot..and i thought RP is a 'PAPERLESS' school..scandal like shit...
ok lets keep it short..
today skip lessons but went for UT..i still good student u see..UT was ok but i think i wont get too good grades..zzz..after UT went to chinatown meet Pasta Family..take 961 which from woodland to chinatown is 1hr bei sian..
meet them le went eat at people park complex food center..den yonghui got to go first..after eat went walk around to clark quay..den accompany shuyi to singapore flyers there..while on the way...some pics are taken:
..well our favourite past time you see..but yonghui not inside =.=..after sending shuyi off to andy and tanglin went slack at marina sq mac..after 11pm plus went home liao...shall meet them next tuesday for tanglin birthday celebration..=D
-->one more hair look sucky the whole day..bad-hair-day..
-->another thing..shall rot tomorrow whole day at home..ROT!!..
-->last not short at all..=)
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10/07/2008 09:29:00 AM
Monday, October 6, 2008
october 6
Yesterday went to celebrate corny birthday at jalapeno pepper at singapore flyers there..but before went there was working lunch at paragon..lucky it was raining in the noon so not much people came and not busy..lucky heng ah =)
..after work went to take 700A to esplanade there..while at the bus stop saw a group/bunch/parade(dunno how to describe) a soldiers marching at the road dunno what event is gonna take place soon...hmmm..reach esplanade liao all late=.=..wait around about 6.30pm corny came den we go flyers there wait for cass and serene...too bad reach there crayson and terrance not there..=(
i eat crayfish parmigiana and corny eat baked rice, cass and serene not sure they eat what cos name too long...but i wanna crayfish parmigiana is seriously, totally, very very not worth it...3 pieces of crayfish, spaghetti is like kid portion..kns..cost mi $19.50..zzz..kena scam..den oh ya no ice water also..they charg 50cents for each cup and is not refillable..BORING...=.=...
after eat liao went walk walk around at esplanade there..serene and cass den went buy cookies as present for of it look like this:
..cute but weird looking cookie..after that went take individual shot with belated birthday boy..
den all take 700A to panjang..even i also..den serene and cass alight first den me and corny went slack and chat at interchange..about 11pm take 176 home..
-->finally i upload some pics..=)
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10/06/2008 08:43:00 AM
Saturday, October 4, 2008
october 4
So rare that i did not have to go work on a friday and saturday..whoo happy seh!..
but feel damn sad because yesterday was suppose to meet up with qifa primary school friends for dinner..but due to i am not feelin well and also not much people can make i have to cancel it and postpone to next week friday..haiz..what a WASTE of my VALUEABLE FRIDAY NIGHT!!..but since its friday and i did not need to go work and i don't want to waste it...manage to ask alan out to meet up awhile..was feelin abit better already him at choa chu kang for dinner..and of course some 'arcading' of KOF..=) [favourite past time]....den went eat and bout 730 take bus go home already..damn EARLY AND WASTED la to go home..=(
...nvm..get to rest more also =)...
today saturday NO WORK AGAIN!!..happy sleep until damn shuang la..until 2 plus den wake the end headache =.=...but lucky awhile only..den went to meet corny later at pasir ris cause today is stephinie birthday..tanglin mall ex chef...
suppose to meet corny at 7.30pm at pasir ris but i keh kiang(act smart)..go take bus 165 to amk den 88 from amk to pasir ris..and somemore i reach amk is peak hour so i miss the first bus due to bus full already =.=...and in the end reach coasta sand pasir ris about 9pm..!!..super freaking i reach already they all were taking pics and haven cut cake yet..after that cut cake session den taking pics also..sit there about 1 hour like that den want to go off already..corny ride me to mrt there den i take 17 to bedok den 30 back home.....and oh ya..while on bus 30 when vivo city that stop..a indian guy sit beside me..he damn freak me out..keep like moving his hands, yawn, streching all those of funny weird stuffs..feel damn buai song sitting beside him..=.=....zzz weird ass..=.=...
...working tomorrow 12-5 den go eat dinner with cass and week finally there are outing for me already..!! sucks this week =.=
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10/04/2008 11:29:00 AM
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
october 2
hey people...LIFE SUCKS!
especially when you bite your own lips a few times in a indeed sucks if this happen everyday..and now it had become an painful and irritating ucler at my lips there..!@#$%^&*
My 'advisor' for my PP till now have not accept my reworking of my like been a week since i last submit..zzz..and now i realise during that time when i go find him, the things he tell me about my PP is all...bullshit..serious..all he said is purely no sense questions..and i dunno why i never object to the things he said that time..=.=...and one more thing..he have that 'qian 扁' face..SHIT HIM IDIOT!!
tmr got to go catch up with qifa primary school friends..quite a long time never see them already..there will be alot of catching up to do with them tmr..=D
and sucks UT tmr..=.=..all my UT1 will all be at one go during this week and next week..LIFE STRESS AND SUCKS!!..
and feel like changing job..hmm..anyone if got lobang with good pay dun mind can intro me..hehe thanks =)
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10/01/2008 06:13:00 PM
- mommy boy
- at kindergarten
- at qifa primary school
- at tanglin secondary school
- at republic poly - W26q, W25p, E46F
wanted list
- get into a relationship(when??)
- earn more $(when will it happen?)
- new shoes(got it)
- new image
- go clubbing
- contact lenses (got it)
- have more nice shirt(alot of fresh imp shirts)
- make more friends (hmmm...)
- get rid of my emo-ness in morning
- graduate from rp
- enough sleep everyday (can nv seems to have it =p)
- tanglin mall-spageddies
- paragon-spageddies
- blast their mp3 speaker very loud [stupid and irritating]
- lizard
- loneliness (very!!)
- lousy dinner
- no common sense people
- no life people
- not enough sleep
- people who anyhow make assumptions
- people who follow blindly
- people who talk loudy (very!!)
- people who vent their anger on me
- stay at home on weekend (very!!)
- tanjong pajah (very!!)
what i am good at
- - doing stupid things
- - downloading songs
- - imagine nonsense things
- - influence by others easily
- - knowing all buses in singapore
- - make people laugh
- - play kof
- - remebering chinese songs lyrics
- - remembering things except studying
- - singing
- - slacking
- - sleeping
- - stoning
prefered music
- from david tao(very much..!!)
- from wang lee hom
- from jay chou
- from S.H.E